A |
Applet A small Java program.
ASCII American Standard Code for Information Interchange: This is the global standard for code numbers used by computers to represent all upper and lower-case Latin letters, numbers, and punctuation.
Autoresponder A feature that sends an automated reply to incoming email. For example, when customers send email to your [email protected] address, a standard message could be sent back to them.
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B |
Backbone A high-speed line (or a series of connections) that forms a major pathway within a network.
Bandwidth The amount of data you can send through a connection, usually measured in bits per second. A full page of English text is about 16,000 bits. A fast modem can move about 15,000 bits in one second.
Banner An advertisements in the form of graphics (usually rectangular in shape) displayed on a Web page. When viewers click on a banner, they are taken to the advertiser's Web site.
Bit This is the smallest measure of computerized data, either 1 or 0. Eight bits equal one byte, or one character.
Bookmark The feature of a Web Browser that lets you save the address (URL) of a web page so you can go back to the page easily at a later time.
Browser A client program used to view various kinds of Internet resources. You use a browser (e.g., Netscape Navigator or Microsoft Internet Explorer) to view Web pages from your computer.
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C |
Certificate Authority An issuer of Security Certificates used in SSL connections.
CGI Common Gateway Interface: A protocol that allows a Web page to run a program on a Web server. Forms, counters, and guestbooks are common examples of CGI programs.
Control Panel All users have access to a Web-based Control Panel that allows you to set mail forwarding options, setup FrontPage extensions, view your statistics, change your password and more. It's very convenient--take a look https://www.addr.com/panel
Cookie A cookie is a piece of information sent to a browser by a Web Server. The browser then returns that information to the Web server. This is how some Web pages "remember" your previous visits; for example, an E-Commerce site might use a cookie to remember which items you've placed in your online shopping cart. Cookies can also store user preference information, log-in data, etc.
CyberCash CyberCash is the name of the company that developed a Web-based payment system. Their CyberCash software enables online payment services for credit cards and Internet check transactions. CyberCash works with all popular browsers.
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D |
Data Transfer In general, any outward-bound traffic from a Web site (with the exception of email) is considered to be data transfer. Each time a Web page, image, MIDI file, etc. is loaded, data transfer is generated.
Database This is any collection of data: part numbers, product codes, customer information, etc. It usually refers to data stored on a computer.
DNS Domain Name System: A system of servers located throughout the Internet that handle Internet connections and the routing of email.
Domain Name A unique name that identifies a Web site. A domain name acts as a permanent Web address and provides a professional, prestigious Web presence. Compare these two URLs: 1. http://www.anywebhost.com/members/yourwebpage 2. http://www.yourname.com In the first URL, the domain name "anywebhost.com" is owned by someone else. If you moved your business Web site to another Web host, you'd need a new URL--and you'd have to notify your customers of your new address. The second URL contains an example of a custom domain name that you own: "yourname.com." If you ever move your site, your address will stay the same. See Also: InterNIC.
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F |
FAQ Frequently Asked Questions: A compilation of answers to the most common questions on a particular subject.
Firewall A combination of hardware and software, used to protect a network from unwelcome traffic. A firewall can be used to separate a LAN into two or more parts, or to control network traffic.
FrontPage FrontPage is a WYSIWYG Web page editor by Microsoft. In order to use FrontPage to create and maintain your Web site, your hosting service must install "extensions" (CGI programs that provide the server side implementation of FrontPage) for your account. Ameritech offers FrontPage extensions.
FTP File Transfer Protocol: A common method of sending and receiving files on the Internet. You might use FTP to upload HTML files to your Web host from your own computer. A user ID and password are needed to use FTP, unless Anonymous FTP is allowed.
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G |
GIF Graphic Interchange Format: A type of image file. GIF files are graphics or pictures, often used on Web pages. Because GIF files contain a maximum of 256 colors, this file format is ideal for simple graphics with minimal shading or color variation. Other types of graphics are better suited for the JPEG file format.
Gigabyte (GB) One billion bytes. To be more accurate, one gigabyte actually contains 1,073,741,824 bytes. Since the prefix "giga" is associated with one billion, the term gigabyte is used to define 1,073,741,824 bytes.
Graphic Any picture or image file within a Web page. Graphics are usually in GIF or JPEG format.
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H |
Hit A single request from a Web browser for a single item from a Web server. When a browser displays a Web page that contains 2 graphics, 3 hits occur at the server: 1 hit for the HTML page itself, plus a hit for each of the two graphics. See Also: Impressions
Homepage The first page of a Web site. Some people choose to have only a homepage, with no supporting pages.
Host 1.A computer system accessed by a user from a remote location. In the case of two computer systems connected via modem, the "host" is the system containing the data and the "remote" is the computer at which the user is working. 2.A computer that is connected to a TCP/IP network, including the Internet. Each host has a unique IP address. 3.As a verb, "host" means providing the infrastructure for a computer service. A company that hosts a Web server may provide the hardware and software needed to run that server, but does not supply all the content on that server. Ameritech provides hosting services by running and maintaining the server, while allowing customers to maintain their own Web site content.
HTML HyperText Markup Language: The coding language used to create Web pages.
HTTP HyperText Transfer Protocol: The protocol for moving hypertext files across the World Wide Web. When you enter a URL in your browser to visit a Web page, an HTTP command is sent to the Web server. This command tells the server to fetch and transmit the requested Web page.
Hypertext Any text within a document that is linked to another location. The other location could be within the same document, or a different document. Clicking hypertext with your mouse will activate the link. This glossary is made up of hypertext, containing many links.
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I |
Image Map A graphic used for multiple navigation on a Web page. Image maps contain HTML code that turn specific areas of graphics into links.
Impressions The actual number of people who've seen a specific Web page. Impressions are much more accurate than hits when discerning how much traffic your Web page actually receives. Impressions are sometimes called "page views."
Internet The vast collection of interconnected networks that use TCP/IP protocols.
InterNIC An organization operated by Network Solutions that controls the registration of new domain names. When you purchase a domain name, the InterNIC will bill you $35/year for ownership.
Intranet A private network inside a company or organization that uses the same kinds of software that you would find on the public Internet, but only for internal use.
IP Number (IP Address) The unique 4-part number assigned to each and every computer linked to the Internet (e.g., When you connect to the Internet, your ISP assigns you an IP number for the duration of your connection. DNS converts domain names into IP addresses.
IRC Internet Relay Chat: A method of real time communication, powered by a network of servers.
ISDN Integrated Services Digital Network: Technology that allows data to be moved over phone lines at speeds of up to 64,000 BPS per channel.
ISP Internet Service Provider: A company that provides access to the Internet.
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J |
Java Java is a programming language invented by Sun Microsystems. Java programs (or "applets") can be downloaded from the Internet to your computer. They can also be used to enhance Web pages. Common Java applets used on Web pages include animation, calculators, and counters.
JavaScript A scripting language developed by Netscape that interacts with HTML source code, allowing for interactive Web sites. JavaScript is used for things such as "rollover buttons" (graphics that change color when you run your mouse over them), rotating banners, MIDI jukeboxes, pop-up windows, etc.
JPEG (or JPG) Joint Photographic Experts Group: a type of image file, similar to GIF. Whereas the GIF file format is limited to 256 colors or less, JPEG files use millions of colors and can often be compressed to a smaller kilobyte size, making Web pages load faster. |
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K |
Kilobyte (KB) A thousand bytes. To be more accurate, one kilobyte actually contains 1024 bytes. Since the prefix "kilo" is associated with 1000, the term kilobyte is used to define 1024 bytes.
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L |
LAN Local Area Network: A computer network limited to the immediate area, usually the same building or floor of a building.
Log File A file that contains a list of actions that have occurred on your web server. The statistics of your site are created by referencing the activity log file. This file is located in your "log" directory and is entitled "access_log"
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M |
Mail Forwarding When you sign up for an ADDR.com hosting plan, you'll receive a domain email account ([email protected] -- actually you'll get an infinite amount of these). You might also have an email address provided by your local ISP. With mail forwarding, all email addressed to [email protected] will be sent to your other email address. Additional mail forwarding options include the ability to forward different yourname.com email to specific addresses on the Internet. For example, email addressed to [email protected] could forward to your "real" email address (provided by your ISP), while [email protected] could forward to a different email address or a your mail box on our system.
Mailing List A group discussion conducted through email messages, specific to a topic or common interest. When a message is sent to a mailing list, each list subscriber receives a copy.
Megabyte (MB) A million bytes; a thousand kilobytes. To be more accurate, one megabyte actually contains 1,048,576 bytes. Since the prefix "mega" is associated with one million, the term megabyte is used to define 1,048,576 bytes.
Message Board A type of bulletin board where users read and respond to other people's posts.
META tag Hidden HTML code that contains information about a Web page, such as who created the page, what the page is about, and which keywords best describe the page's content. Some search engines use this information to list Web pages.
MIDI Musical Instrument Digital Interface: A computerized music file, often used on Web pages.
MIME Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions: The standard for attaching non-text files (such as graphics, spreadsheets, word processor documents, sound files, etc.) to email messages.
mSQL Mini SQL: A lightweight database engine designed to provide fast access to stored data. See Also: SQL
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N |
Netiquette The informal rules of Internet etiquette.
Netizen Derived from the term citizen, referring to a citizen of the Internet. The term implies civic responsibility and participation.
Network Any time you connect 2 or more computers together for the purpose of sharing resources, you have a computer network.
Newbie Someone who is new to the Internet.
Newsgroups An Internet message board system, where people meet to discuss a variety of topics. There are thousands of newsgroups on the Internet covering a wide variety of interests.
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O |
Operating System (OS) This is the software that manages a computer system. Windows 95 is an OS.
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P |
Page Views See impressions.
Password A series of characters that enables someone to access a file, computer or program. Your Control Panel is password protected to prevent unauthorized users from changing your information. The password should be a combination of characters that would be difficult to guess.
Perl Practical Extraction and Report Language. This programming language was designed mainly for processing text. It is one of the most popular languages used for writing CGI Scripts.
Pixel A unit of measurement for graphics or monitor resolution. A pixel is one dot on a computer screen. Most computer monitors are set to a resolution of 800 x 600, meaning 800 pixels wide by 600 pixels high.
Plug-ins Software programs that enhance other programs or applications on your computer. There are plug-ins for Internet browsers, graphics programs, and other applications.
POP Post Office Protocol - or - Point Of Presence: Post Office Protocol is a method of retrieving email from a server.
Point Of Presence is a telephone number that provides dial-up Internet access. ISPs usually provide several POPs so users can gain Internet access with local phone calls.
Post Message To send a message to a newsgroup or other type of message board.
Protocol A standard for the exchange of information. There are several different types of protocols (e.g., FTP, TCP/IP) used by various computers and software.
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R |
RealPlayer A streaming media delivery system for the Internet. Providers of news, entertainment, sports, and business content can create audio and video multimedia content, and deliver it online to audiences worldwide. To create your own RealPlayer files and offer them on your Web site, your hosting service must install special "extensions" for your account. Ameritech offers RealPlayer extensions.
Resolution (Screen or Monitor) The way things appear on your computer monitor. Resolution is measured in pixels. The lower the resolution, the larger things appear on your screen. Most computer monitors are set at 800 x 600 resolution, meaning 800 pixels wide by 600 pixels high. Some people's monitors are set at 1024 x 768 or higher. Others are set at 640 x 480. When designing a Web site, keep in mind that your Web pages will look different to viewers depending on their monitor resolutions. You can change your own monitor resolution through your computer's Control Panel (for Mac, Windows 95 and Windows 98).
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S |
Script A list of commands that can run without user interaction.
Search Engine A directory of Internet content. If you're looking for specific information on the WWW, a search engine can list Web sites at which you'll likely find that information. Popular search engines include Excite, Snap, Yahoo, and Infoseek.
Security Certificate Information used to establish a secure connection by SSL protocol. In order for an SSL connection to be created, both sides must have a valid Security Certificate, issued by the Certificate Authority.
Server A computer or device that manages network resources. The term can refer to a piece of software, or to the machine on which the software is running. A single server machine could be running several different server software packages, thus providing many different services to users on the network.
Shopping Cart Software used to create an online "storefront," or E-Commerce Web site.It acts as a virtual shopping cart, keeping track of the items visitors haveordered and allowing them to add or remove items. When a visitor decides to "check out" (purchase the items online) the software sends all order information to the merchant.
SMTP Simple Mail Transfer Protocol: A protocol used to transfer email between servers.
Snailmail The term used to define the method of a letter being physically delivered to a person using the Post Office or some other letter carrier.
Spam (or Spamming) Junk email or junk newsgroup posts. Spam is usually some sort of advertising, inappropriately sent to a mailing list or newsgroup. Spam not only wastes the recipient's time, but also misuses network bandwidth. We do not support spam--take a look at our policy.
Spider An Internet robot (used by a search engine) that explores the Web at large. Spiders collect Web page addresses based on content found at those pages.
SQL Structured Query Language: A specialized programming language for sending queries to databases. Many database applications can be addressed using SQL. Each specific application will have its own version of SQL implementing features unique to that application, but all SQL-capable databases support a common subset of SQL.
SSL Secure Sockets Layer: A protocol designed by Netscape to enable encrypted communications across the Internet. It provides privacy, authentication, and message integrity. SSL is often used in communications between browsers and servers. A URL that begins with "https" is a clue that an SSL connection will be used on the Web site. During an SSL connection, each side sends a Security Certificate to the other. Both sides then encrypt what they send, ensuring that only the intended recipient can decode it.
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T |
T-1 A connection capable of carrying data at 1,544,000 bits per second. T-1 is most commonly used to connect networks to the Internet.
T-3 A connection capable of carrying data at 44,736,000 bits per second. Equivalent to 29 T-1 connections.
TCP/IP Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol: This is the suite of protocols that defines the Internet. Originally designed for the UNIX operating system, TCP/IP software is now available for every major computer operating system. Your computer must have TCP/IP software to be connected to the Internet.
TrueSpeech Software that compresses speech down to as little as 1/40th its original size. Regular speech files are normally large, causing Web pages to load slowly; TrueSpeech compression allows faster, easier transfer.
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U |
UNIX A computer operating system. UNIX is designed to be used by many people at the same time and has TCP/IP built-in. It is the most common operating system for servers on the Internet.
Upload Sending a file from your system to a server or to someone else's computer.
URL Uniform Resource Locator: The standard way to display an address on the World Wide Web (WWW). A URL is accessed through a Web browser and looks like this: http://www.ameritech-hosting.net
User Name This is the account reference name sent to you in the Account Activation Letter. When you need to log on to your site, you will use this item.
UUENCODE UNIX to UNIX Encoding: A method for converting files from Binary to ASCII so that they can be sent across the Internet via email. See Also: MIME
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V |
Virus A virus is a malicious program whose sole intent is to cause problems on a computer. There are Anti-Virus programs, such as McAfee and Norton Utilities, created to combat viruses.
Virus Hoax Occasionally, rumors are started about viruses that do not exist. These are merely hoaxes.
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W |
Web or WWW World Wide Web: This commonly refers to the massive, global collection of hypertext (HTTP) servers that allow concurrent viewing of Internet data. The term "dub,dub,dub" is a shortened, spoken version of "WWW."
Webmaster The person who creates and maintains a web site.
Wizard A utility in a program that outlines a series of sequential tasks to set up a portion of the program. For example, an email program may use a wizard to gather the necessary information to set up an email account.
WYSIWYG What You See Is What You Get (pronounced "wizzy-wig"): A program that displays a document on your screen exactly as it would appear when printed or published online. The term usually applies to HTML editors, such as Microsoft FrontPage and Macromedia Dreamweaver. These WYSIWYG editors can show you how your Web page will appear online, as you're editing the document.
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Z |
Zip Zone Information Protocol: This is a method of compressing computer data or files into a small size, so they can be transferred quickly over the Internet. There are programs built specifically to zip files, such as WinZip.
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