"I would like to personally thank you for your great Customer Support and timely response. I think your management should know that you guys are doing a great job. Please feel free to forward this to your management team."

"I was amazed that you were able to open my account and get me going right after I clicked on the submit button! I really needed to put my webpage up fast, and didn't even need to wait 5 minutes. Thanks, I'll be sure to mention you to my friends."

"Congratulations on running an excellent service ... I hope to continue using Addr.com for a long, long time."

"Thanks for being so quick to answer my silly questions. I appreciate it, and it shows what a great service you run."

"Thanks again, for a quick response...it's been a real pleasure to do business with you. It has been very difficult to find a 'host' company with reasonable rates and services that carries itself in a professional manner. I'm really quite impressed with you."

"If all technical support was just as fast and clear as you are, then life wouldn't be so stressful."

"I just wanted to take a moment to let you know that we have had several responses from our Web site on how quickly the pages load. I attribute this to the quality of your server hardware and Internet connections. Thanks and keep it up."

"I wanted to take the time and compliment you and your staff on the SUPERB implementation of our secure site. I am extremely pleased with the operation of this site. This was exactly what we had in mind when we asked you to set the Commerce Server up for us."

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