This article is split up into the following sections:
Cron / Crontab
JAVA - JSP / Servlets
Our Offered Scripts Readme files
Top 10 reasons your CGI script may not be working
Getting Started
FAQ - List of Frequently Asked Questions
How TOs
I am having a problem with...
Explanation of features
For advanced users
Glossary of terms
Quick submission forms for setup requests and reporting problems.
Using Cron / Crontab on my account
Cron keeps sending me e-mail when it runs
Example of a crontab file using "periodic"
Example of a crontab file using a direct command
Password protecting a directory
Make any page my home / start page
Custom Error pages
Disable Case Sensitivity
Setting up a "cgi-bin"
What versions of the Java Engine do you use?
Where do I place my .jsp files?
Where do I place my .java and .class files?
How can I add JAVA Beans to my site?
How do I add JSP / Servlet Support to my account?
How do I add a second repository directory to my site?
What kind of support can you provide me with my JAVA applications?
Majordomo gives me an error ...
Provides a mj_resend error
Does not give me a help message reply
Request for help to majordomo is in my main mail box
What should I see when I request help from the mailing list?
Where can I obtain additional help on using Majordomo?
How do I setup a connection to my mySQL database
Using PHP3 or PHP4
Using CGI
Using Perl
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