

virtual servers
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To function properly, all Internet servers require a computer, special software, and a high-speed connection to the Internet. A dedicated Internet server typically allows only one person (or group of people) to use the computer, software, and Internet connection. Because one person or group must purchase all the hardware and software, plus pay for the monthly expense of a high-speed Internet connection just to publish a single Internet site, dedicated servers are rather expensive.

As an alternative to dedicated Internet severs, there are two basic types of Web hosting solutions: Virtual Hosting, and Virtual Server technology.

In a Virtual Hosting environment, you have almost no control over how your Internet services behave. That is because all of the software is configured by your provider, rather than by you. Virtual Hosting gives you limited access to someone else’s server but for small businesses it can be a good entry-level, low-cost alternative to Virtual Server technology.

See our Virtual Hosting prices. Contact us by phone or email with any questions.

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