letter.shtml????????vGGmBIN Letter from the Executive President
Letter from the Executive President
Dear Friends and Sponsors of TGSSA:

Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the father of mercies and God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our affliction, so that we may be able to comfort those who are in an affliction, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God. (2 Corinthians 1: 2-4)

We are writing to you as a partner in fulfilling the great commission that our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ committed into our charge. We are, therefore, in Jesus Christ inviting you as a partner to evangelize Nigeria through our organization's short-term mission.

The Good Samaritan Society Mission...is a nonprofit, charitable and eleemosynary organization. We exist to foster a mutually beneficial God centered relationship between the American and Nigerian body of Christ. Our passion is to mobilize greater numbers of American Christians to visit Nigeria or vise-versa to effectively fulfill the Greater Commission both at home and abroad.

We believe that Christ will come soon ("But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but the Father only." Matt. 24:36). It is high time to make the world one global worship village through impact evangelism, short-term mission outreach and massive youth involvement in our ministry.

Our purpose is to strengthen the existing churches and other Christ centered organizations through collaborative activities. We strive to make our ministry a complementary part of the local churches or organizations. Our mission is not to become another denomination or division of the body of Christ, but rather a channel to facilitate growth of the local body.

Therefore, the twofold goal of our ministry is:
1) To establish mission centers for teaching and services.
2) To organize short-term mission outreaches to Africa to lead the lost to Jesus Christ as their personal savior.


The goal of our mission is to focus on Nigeria in the hope of reaching all African countries. The need to evangelize Africa cannot be overemphasized. According to the United Nations census, Nigeria with a population of 108 million represents one of every six Africans and on in every two West Africans (Population figure: Africa-622 million, West Africa-201 million). This again underscores the importance of Nigeria on the continent and it makes the country an appropriate target for our mission's initial outreaches. However, we cannot do it without your prayers and support.


Our ministry's short-term and immediate goal is to complete the Christian Community Center and the Guests House before December 2000. After our short-term mission trip with the Grace Chorale Choir to Nigeria in December of 1998, many people have expressed their desire to go on short-term missions to Nigeria. We would like to seize this opportunity and offer that God has graced us with to enable our volunteer Christina brothers and sisters to help to spread the word of God.

With our "Nigeria, Impact 2001 short-term mission" coming up in April 2001, we are in need of financial support to buy the materials necessary to complete two of the facilities that will accommodate all our short-term missionaries. We are trusting God for over one hundred people to participate in this "impact evangelistic outreach ministry".

Pastor Scot and other members of Grace Free Church have been led by God to assist us to set up our Music School when the center commencs operation. We are in need of financial support to buy musical instruments, music equipment and other musical accessories. However, if yo should have any used musical instruments to donate, do not hesitate to contact us.


The long-term objectives of our ministry are:

1) Collaborative working relationship in the form of joint or partnership.

2) Short-term missionary support program to the center in the form of personnel to teach in the center for three months to one year.

3) Complete all facilities at the mission center within five years.

We believe that God is calling all of us to unite together to spiritually turn Nigeria (and Africa at large) around for Christ. This is our time, and "as we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith" (Galations 6:10).

Please prayerfully consider your participation to support our mission. You may make a pledge of support with our online pledge form.

May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all as we await HIS coming.

Yours in Christ Jesus,

Michael Aderinkomi
Executive President

©Copyright 1999 Good Samaritan Society of America